Infinity are experts within their sector, providing unparalleled experience in Regulatory Umbrella Hosting, Corporate Advice and Fund Services.
Our boutique approach blends both our professional and flexible attitude in providing tailored solutions across a wide range of regulated entities. Through our Regulatory Hosting (Umbrella) solution, we advise and inspire our clients to operate safely within a regulated environment with the help of our knowledgeable team.
Our team has a wealth of experience regarding regulated activity and the operational aspects of many different types of regulated entities and Alternative Investment Funds (AIF’s). The leadership team at Infinity all began their careers in an advisory capacity, before moving into fund management, having raised, invested and exited a number of in-house funds. Nowadays they use their experience to guide clients through the lifecycle of their business, from inception and the regulatory stage, through to the successful exit.
Within the Infinity group we have a number of businesses providing different services. This enables us to offer our consultancy, compliance, accounting and legal services alongside our regulatory hosting and fund management expertise, with access to a global network of external specialists as and when required. This unique blend of expertise and experience also enables us to offer comprehensive, tailored family office services to clients. Infinity has forged an international reputation for providing a complete and compelling offering of the highest standard.
With proven investment and asset management experience, strong governance and investor confidence, we work closely with our investors and clients to add value.
Regulatory Hosting Services
REGULATORY Umbrella Services
appointed representatives
Corporate Services
FUND FORMATION & administration
Corporate Structure & Planning
Due Diligence & Corporate Finance
accounting & financial reporting

Our maiden private equity fund was launched in 2007. Since then we have established a number of further funds in private equity, property and corporate debt and have arranged and executed numerous bespoke investments for specific clients. In addition we work with regulatory hosting clients to assist them with their business needs.
The Infinity group’s success is a result of the integrity and the quality of our team.
We have more than 100 years’ combined experience of fund management, international transactions, corporate finance, accountancy, due diligence and corporate law.